Audio Books
Page updated November 12, 2010

Burr's Sum and Substance Audio on International Law (CD)

This audio presents an overall picture of international law for students taking the basic course in public international law, or a seminar in a boutique course like International Environmental Law, or Refugee Law. It is also also appropriate for lawyers who find themselves working on a case and need a quick overview of international law, or for public citizens concerned about war and other conflicts between nations. It covers how states form, create laws, interact with individuals, and wage war. Listeners will obtain a framework for answering questions on exams and structuring briefs for practice before international courts and tribunals.

Burr's Sum and Substance Audio Set on Entertainment Law (Audio CD)

This audio set presents a lively overview of five important topics in entertainment law. It first summarizes intellectual property law, including the law of ideals, copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets. Second, it explains how credits and compensation are awarded in the film, television, and music industries. Third, it provides the listener with a synopsis of various contracts and clauses. Fourth, it analyzes representation issues, included cases addressing agents, managers, lawyers, and unions. Fifth, it discusses efforts to censor entertainment material and the various voluntary rating codes. The audio lecture references music clips to explain its points.
